Professional Training


Introduction to the

1 hour online Introduction course for professionals and managers

The introduction to INTERVISION is designed for leading learning professionals, managers, facilitators, who would like to get a solid overview on how to address and promote this reflective dialog method within a group or team.

Qualification Course ‘INTERVISION Facilitator’

Online qualification courses for practicing professional INTERVISION

This is a professional training in INTERVISION facilitation. It is particularly targeted for people working in the field of leading professionals, HR professionals, management consulting and training internal and external, who would like to apply the method of INTERVISION.

Advanced Course INTERVISION
‘10 Methods Toolbox’

Advanced online Course - How to effectively apply the 10 methods toolbox

This training comprises the comprehensive collection of INTERVISION methods. The process is only successful when the dialog methods are professionally applied. Here you gain further insight of all the methods, its own characteristics and focus.

Please scroll down for more info on these 3 available courses and download the flyer below.


Introduction to INTERVISION


The introduction to INTERVISION is designed for leading learning professionals, managers, facilitators, who would like to get a solid overview on how to address and promote this reflective dialog method within a group or team.

It comprises theoretical and practical basics of the method with interwoven real examples.

This is a virtual introduction, live Webinar within a group setting.

Scope & Range:  1 hour

Date: upon request

Time: 5-6pm CET                                      

Investment: $25 per person


Sign up below


Qualification Course

‘INTERVISION Facilitator’

Online practitioner course

This is a professional training in INTERVISION facilitation.

It is particularly targeted for people working in the field of leading professionals, HR professionals, management consulting and training internal and external, who would like to apply the method of INTERVISION in one’s professional practice.

The participants acquire in-depth knowledge of INTERVISION and active dialog methods in theory and practice. The offer is divided into three advanced online course units. The basic course is also open to anyone interested who does not seek further qualifications and who would like to learn the INTERVISION intensively for self-application.

Scope & Range: 3 x 4 hours
over a time period of 3 months

  • In between three e-learning assignments

  • 2 individual consultation - sessions

    Investment Incl. final consultation review for Certificate:

    Start Date: upon request

    followed by: Oct. 14th, Nov. 18th 2021

    Time: 2-6pm CET

    $2200 per person

    Sign up below


Advanced Course INTERVISION ‘10 Methods Tool Box’

Advanced online Course -

How to effectively apply the 10 methods toolbox

This training comprises the comprehensive collection of INTERVISION methods. The process is only successful when the dialog methods are professionally applied. Here you gain further insight of all the methods, its own characteristics and focus.

Scope & Range online: 2 x 4 hours

START DATE: January 13th, 2022

followed by February 17th, 2022

Time: 2-6 pm CET

$990.- per person

Sign up below



You are looking for addressing an individual facilitation case in a more private setting - than let’s get together for your individual Coaching Time within our monthly subscription plan. Language: Dutsch or English

Date and time upon request

Time: 5o minutes/ 2 sessions/month

$149 per person/monthly subscripton plan



Whatever it is, you’d like to address from your facilitation experience, besides receiving our expert coaching time, you can also benefit from the comprehensive group knowledge.

Sign up for the Membership deal

Date and time upon request

Time: 75 minutes/per session

$37 per person/monthly subscripton plan