
Monique Bellersen

As a management consultant, Monique Bellersen CMC (Certified Management Consultant) is located in the Netherlands, focuses on improving how (people in) organizations function by acting as a driving force for innovation and finding creative directions and solutions. She finds developing entrepreneurship and improving the relationship to the market the most important.

She has more than 15 years experience in the field of intervision. She aspires to further develop intervision and introduce it internationally as a professionalization tool for individuals, teams and organizations.

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Silvia Schroeder

Silvia Schroeder, is located in CA and travels several times a year to Europe/Austria for business & family reasons. She has 20 years of global experience as a key-leader: Negotiated with key-representatives in the educational fields, wrote innovative grant proposal for European funds and was the representative for project handling and process implementation. Furthermore she has been supporting leaders, coaches, trainers and employees move through all phases of change by implementing experiential hands-on learning tools to improve productivity, communication, support professional growth and deliver outstanding results. One of her specialties is to sense educational needs and trends, process design and implement multidisciplinary solutions. 

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